Simply Tarot 

I Am Elias

  I have been reading Tarot for the past 25+ years. I have a solid ‘track record’ with my Clients but when someone asks me if I'm any good, my response is always the same: "I believe I am, but the person you need to ask is someone I’ve read for". 

        As a Spiritual Intuitive I give words of Knowledge and Wisdom I receive from the Higher Realms of Consciousness and Spirit. The deck I use gives me a framework for the larger picture I relate to the Client, and I favor my particular Deck because they 'told' me to get them in almost audible voice. My task is not always straight forward and simple, but when the cards can speak to you there is little work to reading.

        I provide information that is being given specifically for you and your current focus as I am ‘instructed', or led, by the Reading. I understand this information as something important for you to be aware of, and it is the information I am compelled to deliver.  I may not tell you what you want to hear, but I will give you the Truth of what I see - My job is to put the information in your hands and let you decide what to do with it. 

Know this, no one can see an unchangeable future, but warnings can be seen and your current course can be predicted with a great deal of accuracy... but You always have the choice to change your fate no matter what is seen by the Reader. I can tell you some things to come, and what's in store for you along your current path... but you always have the choice.

after the primary message is delivered.

        I can communicate basic information regarding additional aspects of your life events in a “Yes/No/Short Answer” format to direct questions. While this may include some relationship issues as they relate to You… I avoid reading other people as I do not have their consent to do so. I am also sometimes able to act as a Medium (though that skill is still developing) or middle person to Spirits who have gone on to the Other Side - if those questions are asked during a Reading Session.

  It is always my hope that the information I can provide is used towards your Spiritual and Actual wellbeing.

Blessed Be )O(